Thursday, May 21, 2009


(And you know we have actual drums in our basement, so that's not an idle threat.)

What are you doing October 13?

I'll tell you what . . .

Picking up a copy of HUSH, HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick. Because you know you want to be the first to join the frenzy.

And if you want to know how to identify the book by its cover, then click away. Be sure and click on the cover itself for a larger view.

Now tell me, isn't that the coolest cover for a YA book you've seen in ages?

(Although I have to say my favorite detail is that Becca's name is in red. How awesome is that?)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. It made me smile! Now if only book 2 could make me smile in the same way . . .

Ginger Churchill said...

The cover doesn't go big for me. I'm so bummed!